Sexual & Gender Based Violence

With over 40% of women in Kenya likely to face physical and or SGBV including lifetime physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence in their lifetime, and over one in five girls facing child marriage or Female Genital Mutilation, Kenya has a long way to go.

We have seen these violations worsened by humanitarian crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic and crises related to electoral periods, and this will continue without sustained action.

In June 2021, the Government of Kenya made a valiant decision to end Gender-Based Violence (GBV) including Sexual Violence by 2026. When making the announcement Kenya promised to intensify its campaign to end these violations by undertaking series of 12 bold commitments that would remove the systemic barriers that allow GBV to thrive.

As FKF we are committed to strengthen the capacity of women and girls to be able to urge the government to honor the 12 commitments to end all forms of GBV by 2026.

Survivors of Gender-Based Violence lack adequate help in terms of effective law enforcement, proper investigation and prosecution of cases, access to shelter, timely medical treatment, mental health care, and financial support.

FKF will work with women and girls to see that these gap is lessened and women and girls are accorded help in accessing justice and proper care during these period. 

Contact Us

Francisca Kwamboka Foundation is a Nonprofit Organization with offices in Kisii, Nyamira and Machakos.

P.O.Box 3952 - 40200, Kisii, Kenya

  +254 780971932