Board Members

Board Members

Rhoda Onyancha


Francisca Kwamboka Foundation was established in 2021. The establishment of the foundation was driven by the vision of our late Matriarch, Mama Francisca Kwamboka in helping the less fortunate in the society by providing food, supporting and educating orphans and assisting widows and vulnerable elderly members of the community. Her passion in philanthropy is the the driving force behind the establishment of the foundation, as it will keep her vision of foreseeing a community in which improving the human condition is shared and sustained. We seek to achieve through philanthropy, what our Matriarch accomplished in supporting the less fortunate in the society to live a dignified life and that orphaned children have a conducive environment for them to thrive and achieve their full potential. The foundation will also reach out to those who are battling diabetes through support programs and medical clinics and camps. Those who have been affected by gender based violence will also be supported by providing safe houses and counselling services

Martha Mang'are

Board Member

Having lost my mother at a very young age I felt drawn to giving comfort and care to children who seemed not to have parental care, street children welfare became part of my life. My career path also has led me to always take care of the most vulnerable people in our society. I believe my experience in life and career would make me a valuable asset for Kwamboka Foundation and together with the team we can do great for our people

Alex Kalonzo

Board Secretary

The establishment of Francisca Kwamboka Foundation is to embrace her legacy & successful charity she offered herself to change lives of many including orphans, widows & vulnerable families in the society. As one of the greatest beneficiary, she raised by ensuring I could get all the basic needs & pay my school fees until I finished school & I could depend on myself.Her philanthropic nature attributes to my status in the society to date. Among other elements, she also raised me as her own children, natured & encouraged me to responsively with traits of a parent. In the late Kwamboka's philanthropic nature, I realized my dreams & lived comfortably as an adult who has since lived up to dreams otherwise, I could have not achieved. This is therefore my wish & desire that the late matriarch's work of hospitality & charity should be promoted & enhanced even further to better the future generations. I therefore wouldn't hesitate to offer myself in supporting the foundation for the good deeds that the late Kwamboka did during her lifetime since I am the living testimony & product of her good deeds.

Ivy Kwamboka

Board Member

Francisca Kwamboka my loving grandma was a kind, hardworking, passionate and above all a woman with a big heart of helping those in need.As her granddaughter am honoured to carry on her great work and keep on extending her kindness to the world through the Francisca Kwamboka Foundation.

Lilian Marwa


Being a volunteer is the best way to make a contribution to your community and serving in the board of Francisca Kwamboka Foundation gives me the greatest fulfilment of my life. It enriches my life, familiarizes me with my community, and connects me to people and ideas that positively impact my perspective for the rest of my life. Helping my community is an opportunity for me to grow as a person, to better understand how I fit into the world around me. And this is living my legacy. Join us as we serve our communities to make them a force of change in the world.

Contact Us

Francisca Kwamboka Foundation is a Nonprofit Organization with offices in Kisii, Nyamira and Machakos.

P.O.Box 3952 - 40200, Kisii, Kenya

  +254 780971932