Our yearly Girlie camp programs run in December and we host between 50 to 100 girls from humble backgrounds between the ages of 12 to 15 years old.

Our camps as dubbed “Merea” which simply means – encourage younger women through the experienced of older women.

The girls are mentored and unpiered and motivated through;

  • Building their self confidence
  • Career guidance
  • Life skills
  • Health lack- FGM and HRHM
  • Gender – Bared violence prevention (GBU)
  • Spiritual guidance and counceling
  • Build modern day etiquettes
  • Lasting relationships
  • Parents café 

Those girls will be tracked throughout their lives and mentored to be women of substance and leaders of our country and beyond.

A gift of $30 will enable one girl to attend the camp and have a life changing experience.

Lets join hands and change one girl at a time.

Contact Us

Francisca Kwamboka Foundation is a Nonprofit Organization with offices in Kisii, Nyamira and Machakos.

P.O.Box 3952 - 40200, Kisii, Kenya


  +254 780971932